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Payment Methods

How can I reduce my principal balance?

To make a payment that reduces the Principal Balance only, and is not applied toward your monthly payment(s), there are two options:

For a one-time principal balance payment,
click here and follow the prompts.

You can also set up a recurring principal balance payment if you are on Auto Pay. To sign up or edit your existing Auto Pay, please
click here. You will see a place to enter an optional amount to be applied to your principal balance.   

Keep in mind that your regular monthly payments are still due on their scheduled dates, even if you also make a principal-only payment.

To make a principal payment offline, please make a check payable to Southeast Toyota Finance, include your account number and “Principal Only” on the memo line.  Then mail that check to:


Southeast Toyota Finance

PO Box 91052

Mobile, AL 36691-1052